Here's my space to write about them a bit and zero in on who they are exactly and how they fit into their worlds! I'll also give them names and more details, which is something I'm really bad at doing!
Click the drop downs below to view each world specifically, as well as the OCs within them!
Something that is unique about this world is the magic. In this world only certain people are attuned to magic. For what reason some people are attuned and others aren't is a mystery (one that mages are still trying to solve). Those who are attuned to magic are attuned from birth lead a life of great risk, as magic in this world is incredibly unstable; unless someone who is attuned to magic learns how to control and harness magic odds are very good they will unwittingly cause some sort of magic-related disaster, killing themselves or others in the process. In fact, most magic-attuned people who do not receive training die at a young age due to magic-related incidents.
One important feature of this fantasy realm is the Magic Academy where some of the OCs interact with. The Academy is THE place to go if you want to study magic; in fact, if you don't go odds are good you'll die thanks to the aforementioned chaos magic. Fortunately, the Academy has ways of tracking when people become magic-attuned and recruits them into the Academy as a public service, and the scouting service is very robust. Since the range of ages that people might become magically attuned is quite wide, a wide range of people from different walks of life study at the academy.
However, her carefree life changed with the sudden death of her estranged mother. It wasn't long before she found herself forced to pay off all the debt her mother had left her with. Though adventuring was profitable, it simply wasn't steady enough work for her to reliably pay all her mother's debts off, and she was soon forced to pick up a job working as a Professor of Dark Arts at the Academy.
She hates her job and resents her mother for forcing her to adopt such a sedintary lifestyle. However, she has been teaching there for so long that she has tenure and a position of there's that at least.
Lottie's approach to magic is...chaotic to say the least. She's a bit of an airhead and tends to make lots of mistakes in the lab, but despite this still seems to come away unscathed. What she makes up for in haphazard magic ability, she more than makes up for as a professor - she's as kind, caring, and altruistic as they come, and most everyone has good things to say about her.
...well, except for Vivienne, who is her roommate. Since Vivienne is a bit of a grumpy stick in the mud, Lottie is always trying to keep her friend's spirits up.